Public meeting: Cutting Trident

Cutting Trident

The debate Labour needs to have


Nick Brown MP
Katy Clark MP
Clive Lewis, PPC for Norwich South
Lucy Anderson, National Policy Forum member

Chair Joy Hurcombe
6.30 – 8pm, Tuesday 4th December
Committee Room Six, Houses of Parliament
Please use Cromwell Green Entrance and allow time to pass through security – Committee Room corridor accessed via Central Lobby.
Cutting Trident the debate Labour needs to haveFollowing a packed-out fringe at Labour Party Conference, Labour CND is organising a follow-up discussion to bring the debate to the heart of Westminster.

The National Policy Forum document presented to the Conference stated that due to ‘different perspectives’ on Trident replacement there will be ‘further discussions’ next year.

These discussions should be held as widely as possible throughout all levels of the party, and must ensure those who believe we should cut Trident – and scrap nuclear weapons entirely – are listened to.

Trident does not address our real threats. Its replacement is unaffordable. A Labour Government should introduce an industrial plan to maintain employment and the use of the skills base in the related industrial sites – and commit to scrapping Trident.

We are delighted that Nick Brown and Clive Lewis are joining us for this meeting, and further speakers are set to be announced.

Join us as we begin the debate on 4th December.
For more on the debate at the pre-conference National Policy Forum, and the document itself, see Jon Lansman’s blog.