The rules have changed a bit this year. The restrictive criterion that motions had to be ‘contemporary’ has been relaxed and more motions will be debated. Labour’s 2019 conference will debate 20 motions in all, 10 selected by CLP delegates in a ballot at conference, and 10 chosen by affiliates. It’s still the case that CLPs can submit either a policy motion or a rule change, though the deadline for the latter has now passed.
Guidelines and Deadlines
Contemporary motions on policy must: address one issue, not be longer than 250 words, and not propose a rule change.
Policy motions can be submitted now, up to the deadline of noon on Thursday 12 September. Emergency motions deadline is a week later, Thursday 19 September. If your motion is ruled out of order you can appeal to the Conference Arrangements Committee which will consider appeals on Wednesday 18 September.
Labour CND’s suggested motions are here: