Labour CND Committee member Rae Street put forward a motion to the Annual Meeting of the National Assembly of Women which was passed unanimously. NATO, they agreed, threatens world stability and agreed to oppose the return of NATO nuclear weapons to Lakenheath.
The National Assembly of Women has always recognised the dangers to world stability of the military alliance, NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation. Since the end of the Cold War it has , contrary to what was promised to President Gorbachev, expanded in Europe to the east up to Russia’s borders. While completely condemning Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, there is no doubt that NATO expansion and military exercises on Russia’s borders exacerbated the situation. NATO is now aiming to be global, making bi-lateral agreements across the Indo-Pacific region and even with states in Latin America. It still holds a policy of not only holding nuclear weapons but using them first. It also blocked its members signing the UN negotiated Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.
Two recent events give more concern.
- One is NATO’s expansion to include Finland and Sweden, which was accompanied by support for Turkey’s war policy and oppression of the Kurds, and
- The return of US/NATO nuclear weapons to the RAF?USAF Lakenheath base in Suffolk.
The National Assembly of Women therefore resolves to work with other civil society alliances
- to oppose the US dominated militaristic, expansionist NATO, and
- to oppose the return to Lakenheath of NATO nuclear weapons and nuclear capable, F-35 aircraft, designed to carry B61-12 nuclear missiles.