Corbyn’s leadership: ‘turning the promise of a nuclear-free world from an impossible dream to a concrete goal’

‘The world order has been turned into a global free-for-all,’ Emily Thornberry, Shadow Foreign Secretary said in her speech to conference. Under Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership, however:

‘we will never as a party go back to supporting illegal, aggressive wars of intervention with no plans for the aftermath, and no thought for the consequences, whether in terms of the innocent lives lost or the ungoverned spaces created within which terrorist groups can thrive’

‘we must and will lead the world in promoting human rights, in reforming the arms trade, in pursuing an end to conflict, in supporting not demonising refugees, and in turning the promise of a nuclear-free world from an impossible dream to a concrete goal’

‘turning the promise of a nuclear-free world from an impossible dream to a concrete goal’.

Read the full speech here.

Around conference with Labour CND

Labour CND was out in force at Labour conference, visible throughout at CND, Momentum and other fringe meetings, distributing our newsletter and contact card, and helping staff the CND stall where we signed up dozens of new subscribers to our e-news updates. Our daily meet-up sessions proved popular too, chatting to delegates and visitors over coffee.

Labour CND contact card

Labour CND newsletter



Still buzzing from Labour Party Conference

Hello.  My name’s Karen Robinson.  I’m a new member of the Labour CND Executive Committee.  I’ve just got back from Labour Party Conference.  It was an exhilarating and inspiring five days, my third annual conference since re-joining Labour in late 2015.  I re-joined, as so many did, after Jeremy Corbyn was elected leader.

I was very active in the peace movement in the 1980’s, including taking part in many nonviolent protests against nuclear weapons. I had heard Jeremy speak at countless CND demonstrations over the decades, and was absolutely delighted when he was elected.  I watched the interview when he was asked if, as prime minister, he would press the button to launch a nuclear weapon.  His answer was a simple and very powerful ‘No’.  He received ferocious criticism.  It was then I decided to re-join.

Over the three conferences I have listened and learned, as a remarkable process of democratisation and adoption of progressive policies has unfurled.  This time I leafletted for Labour CND, helped out on the CND stall and supported a fringe meeting on defence diversification.  It was a really positive experience giving out Labour CND literature as delegates arrived at conference.  Many paused as they took in the words ‘Labour CND’, maybe because it had been a while since they’d heard the name ‘CND’, and then their faces lit up.  They were really happy we were there, and keen to keep in contact.  I think there’s huge scope for giving out even more leaflets next conference!

Trump’s nuclear hypocrisy

When President Trump signed the order to pull the US out, the Iran nuclear deal was dead in the water. CAROL TURNER, Vice Chair, Labour CND, asks why Trump withdrew from a landmark arms control agreement that everyone, including official US sources, said was working.

All parties agree that Iran was meeting its obligations under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspectors have repeatedly confirmed this. Iran does not possess nuclear weapons.

Continue reading “Trump’s nuclear hypocrisy”

Space: Trump’s next frontier

President Trump recently announced the formation of a US space force, saying: ‘it is not enough to merely have an American presence in space. We must have American dominance.’ Oxford CND and others have called a demonstration at USAF Croughton, a US communication base in Northamptonshire. Keep Space for Peace: No Space Force takes place 12 noon to 4pm on Saturday 6 October. Check out the details and join us there.

CND General Secretary Kate Hudson is urging support: ‘As if President Trump isn’t causing enough trouble already: trade wars with China, trashing the Iranian nuclear deal, on/off nuclear confrontation with North Korea, destabilising Venezuela, offending his erstwhile European allies… the list goes on and on. Now he’s instructed the Department of Defense and the Pentagon to set up a sixth branch of the armed forces: the Space Force.’

Japanese anti-nuclear delegation to visit North Korea

Talks between North and South Korea are progressing. We wonder if the same can be said for denuclearisation talks between the US and North Korea, given the contradictory signals from the Trump administration. Another Japanese anti-nuclear delegations sets off for North Korea this month, on a fact-finding mission in search of information about survivors of the 1945 US atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The visit is the first since 2008 by Gensuikyo, the Japan Council Against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs. On the basis of information provided by North Korea, Gensuikyo believes there were 1,911 victims of the bombs, 382 of whom were alive in 2008. ‘We want to have discussions that will accelerate denuclearisation,’ a spokesperson for the delegation said.

Gensuikyo’s annual conference held on the anniversary of the bombings attracts several thousand delegates from across the world.  Labour CND Co-Chair Carol Turner attended in 2016. In her speech to conference she outlined Jeremy Corbyn’s election. To loud applause, said: ‘A new mood is sweeping Britain, as elsewhere. One manifestation is the rise of political figures such as Jeremy Corbyn in Britain and Bernie Sanders in the United States. After his election Corbyn announced on TV he would never press the nuclear button if he were prime minister.’

Alan Bennett on Walter Wolfgang

In one of his diary entries in Keeping On Keeping On, Alan Bennett’s third prose collection, he writes:

2005, 29 September.
Among several things that the ejection and charging of Mr Walter Wolfgang from the Labour Party Conference demonstrates is the danger of endowing the police with any more powers than they have already. For shouting out ‘Liar’ he is charged under the Terrorism Act. The silencing of hecklers was hardly the act’s original purpose but it is just the handiest blunt instrument available. This should be remembered in the next session of Parliament, when the  police are asking for yet more powers – three months’ detention for instance – which at the same time solemnly assuring the public that they will only use such powers when the occasion demands it. This is a promise soon forgotten. If they have the powers they will use them – young Muslim or Jewish old-age pension it makes no difference. ‘You’re nicked.’

Keeping On Keeping On, Profile Books, 2016, £9.99 paperback

National Policy Forum members

Congratulations to Labour CND members who became CLP reps in the recent NPF elections:

Congratulations to Labour CND members who became CLP reps in the recent NPF elections: Co-Chair Carol Turner, representing London, Secretary Carol Wilcox, representing SW, and George Downs, re-elected to the NW youth place. Congrats too to Tom Unterrainer, East Midlands, who sits on CND’s Trade Union Advisory Group.

Full results here.