Labour CND chair awarded Ron Todd Peace Prize

Veteran nuclear disarmament campaigner and Labour CND Chair Walter Wolfgang (pictured below) was awarded this year’s Ron Todd Peace Prize in a ceremony at the Marx Memorial Library in March.

Todd was General Secretary of the Transport and General Workers Union, predecessor of Unite from 1985 until his retirement in 1992. He led Britain’s biggest union in the years when nuclear disarmament was at the heart of Labour’s annual conference debates. After his death in 2005, the Rod Todd Foundation was set up and has awarded annual prizes for outstanding achievement in areas close to the former General Secretary’s heart.

CND book launch

CND General Secretary Kate Hudson (pictured right) launched her new book, CND at 60: Britain’s most enduring mass movement, at Friends House on 8 March. In conversation with Victoria Brittain (pictured left), she discussed what prompted her to update CND’s history and read passages from her book before answering audience questions.

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Labour CND joins Saudi visit protest

Labour CND supporters were in evidence at the protest over Mohammad bin Salman’s state visit on 7 March, including Hannah Kemp-Welch pictured here. Hundreds gathered at Downing Street to tell Prime Minister Theresa May ‘Crown Prince Not Welcome’.

Shadow International Development Secretary Kate Osamor spoke at the rally, as did Labour MPs Andy Slaughter, Chris Williamson, and others. The Green Party was there too, represented by Deputy Leader Amelia Womack, and Sinn Fein by Joe Dwyer. Earlier in the day Jeremy Corbyn made a strong statement in parliament denouncing Saudi’s abysmal human rights record.

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CND at 60: book launch

CND invites you to the launch of CND at 60, a new book by Kate Hudson, General Secretary of CND.

This book is timed to coincide with CND’s 60th anniversary, drawing on archive material and interviews with activists from across the decades, and situating CND’s current work in the context of the Trump presidency and increasing global tensions around nuclear weapons.

Listen to Kate Hudson read from CND at 60 here:

Register for the event here.

Labour Representation Committee report

Three Labour CND reps participated in the 2018 LRC conference and annual meeting. Walter Wolfgang, former Labour National Executive Committee member, moved our motion in support of a Defence Diversification Agency, which was adopted nem con by the LRC:

The Labour Representation Committee notes that the actions of US President Trump have increased the possibility of a nuclear war.

The Labour Representation Committee commits itself to campaign in the Labour Party to achieve:

  1. A clear commitment that the Labour government will sign and ratify the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, which implies scrapping the Trident replacement.
  2. The setting up by the Labour Party of a Shadow Defence Diversification Agency as advocated by the 2017 Trades Union Congress. This agency to report annually to the Labour Party conference until Labour in government has established a Defence Diversification Agency.

About Labour’s Democracy Review

The Labour Party Democracy Review was initiated by Jeremy Corbyn and is being conducted by his political secretary, former MP Katy Clark who reports that thousands of submissions, mainly by individuals, have already been received.

The Review has been discussed by the NEC at its October and November 2017 meetings, which received reports on the timetable and terms of reference. The January 2018 NEC took a preliminary report on the first stage of the Review.

When the Review is completed, Clark will report to Corbyn and Ian Lavery MP, Labour Party chair, who will advise the NEC on rule changes to be brought forward to annual conference.

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National Executive Committee Report

Jeremy Corbyn welcomed newly elected members Rachel Garnham, a former member of Labour CND executive committee, Yasmine Dar, and Jon Lansman to their first National Executive Committee meeting on 23 January, highlighting that the NEC had a female majority. A list of all NEC members is available here.

All members of the NEC are members of the National Policy Forum which oversees the development of party policy and forms the basis of Labour’s general election manifesto. The NEC is also responsible for party rules and candidate selection processes.

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Labour NEC election results

Congrats Rachel, Jasmine, Jon!

Elections results are in for the three additional Constituency Labour Party places on the National Executive that 2017 annual conference agreed on. The three Centre Left Grassroots Alliance (CLGA) candidates swept the board. Chosen to represent the CLGA coalition from among 48 would-be contenders, when the results were announced on 15 January, they’d swept the board – beating the right wing Labour First / Progress slate by an overwhelming majority.

Rachel Garnham, a former member of Labour CND Executive Committee, is a constituency secretary and former rep on Labour’s National Policy Forum. Standing for an NEC place for the first time a first time, her running mates were Jasmine Dar and Jon Lansman. Jon, a founder of Momentum stresses his commitment to a transformative government; and Jasmine, a Manchester City councillor emphasises she’s committed to ‘actions not just words’.

Click here to read their statements in full. 

Memorial for Helen John

Sunday 10 December

Helen John, a co-founder of Greenham Women’s Peace Camp and a long-time nuclear disarmament and anti-war activist, died on 5 November aged 80.

A public memorial for Helen’s friends and supporters will take place at the Kirkgate Centre, Shipley BD18 3EH at 2pm Sunday 10 December, arranged by Helen’s son Magnus.

There will be a short humanist service, which includes an open mic for those who want to say a few words about Helen. The celebrant was at Greenham Common and is a long-time a member of Yorkshire CND who knew her.

This ceremony is held near Otley and Keighley where Helen lived in the latter part of her life, and nearby the care home where she spent her final years.