Hello. My name’s Karen Robinson. I’m a new member of the Labour CND Executive Committee. I’ve just got back from Labour Party Conference. It was an exhilarating and inspiring five days, my third annual conference since re-joining Labour in late 2015. I re-joined, as so many did, after Jeremy Corbyn was elected leader.

I was very active in the peace movement in the 1980’s, including taking part in many nonviolent protests against nuclear weapons. I had heard Jeremy speak at countless CND demonstrations over the decades, and was absolutely delighted when he was elected. I watched the interview when he was asked if, as prime minister, he would press the button to launch a nuclear weapon. His answer was a simple and very powerful ‘No’. He received ferocious criticism. It was then I decided to re-join.
Over the three conferences I have listened and learned, as a remarkable process of democratisation and adoption of progressive policies has unfurled. This time I leafletted for Labour CND, helped out on the CND stall and supported a fringe meeting on defence diversification. It was a really positive experience giving out Labour CND literature as delegates arrived at conference. Many paused as they took in the words ‘Labour CND’, maybe because it had been a while since they’d heard the name ‘CND’, and then their faces lit up. They were really happy we were there, and keen to keep in contact. I think there’s huge scope for giving out even more leaflets next conference!