Our first reply from deputy leadership candidate Richard Burgon

Labour CND urges all nuclear disarmers, whether or not you’re members of the Labour Party, to take a minute to lobby Labour MPs and leadership candidates and let them know you want to retain the post of Shadow Minister for Peace and Disarmament. Set up under Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership, Fabian Hamilton MP has been Labour’s first ever Shadow Minister for Peace and Disarmament since 2016.
Co-Founder of Declassified UK Mark Curtis takes a look at how the Mininstry of Defence is planning to spend hundreds of billions on expensive military projects while our under-funded health service struggles to address the coronavirus.
Read Mark Curtis article in full
Take a quick look at what MoD money’s going on
Successive National Security Risk Assessments commissioned by the UK government have identified pandemics one of the top threats to Britain’s safety. Then why wasn’t the government prepared for Covid 19? And why are we spending £205 billion on replacing Trident when the NHS is struggling to survive? Read CND’s blogg and let your MP know just what you think government priorities should be.
Labour’s 2019 manifesto promised that ‘international peace and security will be a primary objective of a Labour government’s foreign policy’. Under Jeremy Corbyn a new post of Shadow Minister for Peace and Disarmament was established, with a brief to pursue these issues across policy areas.
Labour CND urges everyone who supports nuclear disarmament to help ensure this post is retained by the new Labour leader. Please contact Keir Starmer and ask him to retain this post, and write to your local Labour MP if you have one to let them know that this is important to you.
It only takes a minute to participate in our online lobby. Here’s how
Our2020 annual conference and AGM is postponed for now. We’ll be setting a new date once the present crisis is over. Meanwhile, we’ll be exploring online ways of meeting and campaigning, investigating the possibility of a virtual AGM, and keeping contact with our supporters via regular LabCND E-News.
In these cinemas 1st March
Birmingham, Midlands Art Centre / Cambridge, Arts Picturehouse Liverpool, Picturehouse at FACT / London, Bertha Dochouse, Bloomsbury Curzon Norwich, Cinema City / Sheffield, Showroom
Part film essay, part documentary THE PLAN tells the untold story of how a group of British weapons engineers switched to designing hybrid engines and wind turbines and were nominated for the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize. At a time when climate injustice is fanning the flames of inequality THE PLAN looks at how this group of eco-pioneering aerospace engineers took control for the sake of the planet. Their heroism has been forgotten but as constant wars and climate crisis proliferate there’s vital lessons to be learnt from their story.
Premiered at the London Film Festival and nominated for the Grierson Award THE PLAN is being screened at launch events in 6 cities on 1st March followed by a UK wide tour.
Watch the trailer:
“This film captures a unique moment in our history – highly skilled workers showing how to turn swords into ploughshares. If we want to transform society, this is a good place to start.”
Ken Loach
“The Lucas Plan holds out hope that production can be transformed to create a fairer, greener world. This will be a must-see film for every trade unionist.”
Frances O’Grady, Gen Sec TUC
In the first poll of the leadership campaign, Rebecca Long Bailey ahead among party members on first preferences and overall result. Richard Burgon is in second place for deputy leader. Richard is the only candidate for deputy to have committed not to press the nuclear button. Labour CND supporters need to get building support for Richard’s campaign.
CND and Stop the War Coalition organised a march on Saturday 11th January 2020 calling for peace in the middle east and #NoWarOnIran!
Jeremy Corbyn and Diane Abbott were among the high profile speakers at the event. We were please to see Dulwich and West Norwood and West Walthamstom Labour Party branches at the demo with banners.
Jeremy’s speech can be viewed here: