Julie Ward in Strasbourg

Speaking in a debate on European security and the future of the INF Treaty, MEP and Labour CND Co-Chair Julie Ward said:

‘The INF Treaty occupies a special place in peace history – in our history. It was prompted by the huge nuclear disarmament movements that swept across Europe and the USA in the 1980s. In some respects, the peace movement owns this treaty, and we must do what we can to ensure it is not taken away.’

Read Julie’s speech in full.

Report back from Labour’s annual conference

Fabian Hamilton, Shadow Minister for Peace & Disarmament, hosted Labour CND’s report back in parliament in October, and took the opportunity to outline his vision of a Peace Doctrine for Labour.

He made clear his support for signing the UN nuclear ban treaty, so the UK ‘will become a voice for eradicating nuclear weapons’. Walter Wolfgang described the 2018 conference was the most positive since the 1970s. But Lloyd Russell-Moyle MP urged us to carry on pushing for the positive change we want to see.

CND conference backs Defence Diversification Agency


A resolution from Labour CND together with Yorkshire and London CND was passed with acclaim at CND’s annual policy conference – committing CND to promote trade union and trades council affiliations and encourage relationships between CND groups and trade unions. Bristol CND who hosted the weekend did us proud – providing a beautiful building to meet in and a terrific open meeting focused on the centenary of World War I armistice.

Read the resolution here. 

Make Jeju Island an island of peace

South Korea is hosting an International Fleet Review on its Jeju Island Naval Base in Gangjeong Village from 10 October, the biggest event since the base was constructed, when warships and fighter aircraft from 45 countries gather there for a military exhibition. The ‘Kick Out US Bases’ campaign has mounted a strong opposition to the base, which is seen as a US-led project that’s destroying the environment in order to provide a strategic military outpost for Nato and the United States in the East China Sea.

Read the petition and add your name to that of Labour CND and the many others who have signed in support.

Last call for CND’s 2018 conference

Registration for CND UK’s annual gathering closes this Friday, 12 October. CND’s annual bash takes place in Bristol this year, on the weekend of Sat 20 and Sun 21 October. The AGM is Saturday – your chance to vote on policy for the coming year and elect national representatives including some from Labour CND – followed on Sunday by a day of discussion and campaigning.

Full details here, including registration for individuals and organisations.

Corbyn’s leadership: ‘turning the promise of a nuclear-free world from an impossible dream to a concrete goal’

‘The world order has been turned into a global free-for-all,’ Emily Thornberry, Shadow Foreign Secretary said in her speech to conference. Under Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership, however:

‘we will never as a party go back to supporting illegal, aggressive wars of intervention with no plans for the aftermath, and no thought for the consequences, whether in terms of the innocent lives lost or the ungoverned spaces created within which terrorist groups can thrive’

‘we must and will lead the world in promoting human rights, in reforming the arms trade, in pursuing an end to conflict, in supporting not demonising refugees, and in turning the promise of a nuclear-free world from an impossible dream to a concrete goal’

‘turning the promise of a nuclear-free world from an impossible dream to a concrete goal’.

Read the full speech here.