Support grows for global nuclear ban
Fifty nine countries have signed the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, and 10 have ratified it so far. But Theresa May has made clear that she has no intentions of Britain signing or ratifying the Treaty. We urge you to generate a debate in your local parties. Richmond Park CLP passed the following motion, submitted by former NEC member Walter Wolfgang:
This CLP notes that the non-nuclear nations are no longer satisfied to leave the promotion of nuclear disarmament to the nuclear powers. Instead they have drafted a treaty banning the production and use of nuclear weapons which is now subject to ratification. This CLP believes that the Labour Party should unequivocally commit itself to sign and ratify this treaty when in office. This implies that it will scrap and not replace the Trident missile programme.
Trident, jobs, defence diversification: our conference and AGM report
We held our annual conference and general meeting recently, with a focus on Trident, Jobs and Defence Diversification. Take a look at our conference programme and speakers here – and put next year’s conference date in your diary now: Saturday 2 February 2019.
Read about our committee, our 2018 AGM, and priorities for 2018 here.
Balloting opens for Labour’s NEC & NPF
Cast your vote to strengthen support for nuclear disarmament on two of the party’s most important national bodies. Ballots for the election of Constituency Labour Party reps on Labour’s National Executive Committee and National Policy go out from 26 June; Conference delegates elect the National Constitutional Committee rep.
Trump and the nuclear danger
Labour CND is holding a workshop on Trump and the nuclear danger at the Arise Festival of Labour’s Left Ideas in London, 10am on Saturday 28 July at Student Central, Malet Street, WC1E 7HY.
Speakers are Christine Blower (former General Secretary NUT), Ted Seay (US arms control specialist) and Carol Turner (Labour CND).
Festival details here:
Unite Policy Conference
Are you a Unite member, and attending their Policy Conference? Please read our Briefing for Delegates – download via the link below.
We hope you’ll also join us at our Fringe meeting:
Our Democracy Review submission
Labour CND has made a submission to the Labour Party Democracy Review.
How party democracy helps get a Labour government elected
A Labour government will only be voted into office if the electorate is convinced that the party’s commitments – on international as well as domestic policies – are equitable, fair and in the interests of society as a whole, not simply the few elites who exercise political, economic and social power.
In the last analysis, it’s policies that win elections. We believe that the most effective way of ensuring Labour hits the spot with the electorate is by:
- electing a party leader who respects our members, and is prepared to listen to and reflect our views, recognising that half a million people provide a significant cross-section of opinion in British society as a whole;
- greater involvement of members in deciding the policies contained in Labour’s manifesto;
- ensuring CLPs and affiliates have clear and fair access to local, regional and national policy-making; and
- integrating party members into policy-making structures at all levels.
Over a number of years differences of opinion within the party have been actively discouraged in the mistaken assumption that uniformity of view equates to unity of purpose. It does not. Debate is positive, not divisive. It guarantees issues are properly aired so that sound policy decisions can be reached.
Download full text:
Jobs not Bombs day school – Leeds
Come along to this day school on defence diversification for Labour activists, trade unionists and peace campaigners. The afternoon will be split into two sections, the first featuring expert speakers and a Q&A; the second, parallel small group sessions on taking the ideas forward.
Speakers include Fabian Hamilton MP (Shadow Minister for Peace and Disarmament) who has been given responsibility by Labour for developing a Defence Diversification Agency; Barnaby Pace (researcher and writer on the arms trade); Ann Feltham (Campaign Against the Arms Trade); Kevin Allsop (Unison) and Julie Ward MEP.
This event is organised by Yorkshire CND and supported by Momentum.
Click here for more information
For any enquiries, contact 01274 730 795 or email
Motion to Labour Party Women’s Conference
This Labour Women’s Conference:
- Welcomes the efforts from North and South Korea to denuclearize the Korean peninsula.
- Congratulates ICAN (International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons) on the award of the Nobel Peace Prize in December 2017.
- Urges Labour women to read and disseminate the Nobel Lecture delivered by Beatrice Fihn and the Hiroshima survivor Setsuko Thurlow.
- Notes that:
a. 122 states adopted the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in July 2017
b. 58 states or more have signed this Nuclear Ban Treaty, including Ireland, Austria, New Zealand, Brazil, Nigeria and South Africa
c. Ratification by 50 signatories will bring the Treaty into force; at least 9 have already ratified. - Calls on Labour to support this urgent work to prevent accidental or deliberate use of nuclear weapons by pledging to sign and ratify the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.”
Information for conference delegates
This document, downloadable via the link below, contains details for delegates to our upcoming conference, Trident, Jobs & Defence Diversification, and Labour CND’s AGM. Within are resolutions, a copy of CND’s constitution, and details of related events.
Word document: 2018 Labour CND Newsletter June
PDF version: 2018 Labour CND Newsletter June