Together Against Trump demo

The date is set. Book the day off work. Trump is visiting Britain and CND is supporting the Together Against Trump national demo on Friday 13th July.

This must be the day we stand up to the nuclear warmonger of our age.

Trump’s torn up the Iran nuclear deal. He’s threatened to kill millions with US nukes in North Korea. Those around him stalled the crucial Korean peace negotiations with talk of “doing a Libya” on North Korea.

One minute Trump’s posing as the peace broker, the next minute he’s preparing for war. His presidency threatens the security of the world and it’s time for our movement to confront him.

Friday 13th July is our chance to rise up and say enough is enough. We reject the collusion of Theresa May and her government with this dangerous US administration and deplore the invitation to President Trump.

Get the word out. Put on transport. Donate to the campaign. Contact us for support and make sure you and your friends are there on the 13th July.

Share the event with your Facebook contacts

Together Against Trump national demo
Gather 2pm BBC, Portland Place
London W1A 1AA
March to Central London

Support the Ban

CLPs and branches have been passing resolutions supporting the Nuclear Weapons Ban, and a few have been posted onto the Policy Forum. Please get your branch or CLP to pass a resolution.

Then ask your Secretary to post it on the Policy Forum, and email it to your local MP and to our Shadow Minister for Peace & Disarmament:

Also show your individual support: post a submission yourself, or vote for submissions you like at

Here is an example of a resolution supporting the Ban

passed by Finchley & Golders Green CLP:

This Constituency:

notes with alarm the tensions on the Korean Peninsula;

holds that this underlines the urgency of the nuclear powers’ obligation under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty to bring about nuclear disarmament where North Korea and the US are in danger of plunging the world into nuclear war;
supports the UN Nuclear Weapons Ban by taking the following actions:

  • We congratulate CND and the other peace organisations in 100 countries who make up ICAN (the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons) on winning the Nobel Peace Prize. The prize was awarded for their role in achieving the UN Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty.
  • We call on Labour MPs to support the Nuclear Weapons Ban by signing Early Day Motion 374, so far signed by at least 35 MPs.
  • We note that our manifesto stated, “Labour will lead multilateral efforts with international partners and the UN to create a nuclear-free world.”
  • We therefore urge our Shadow Minister for Peace & Disarmament Fabian Hamilton to lead multilateral efforts by publicly pledging that Labour will sign the Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty.

Labour CND conference


Topics include

  • International trends and US strategy
  • TUC policy
  • Labour’s Defence Diversification Agency
  • Middle East update
  • US-EU divided on Iran
  • Nuclear winter
  • Human security

Speakers include

  • Julie Ward MEP
  • Ted Seay, arms control specialist
  • Kate Hudson, CND General Secretary
  • Sami Ramadani, Iraqi Democrats
  • Barbara White, Musicians Union

Admission Free * All welcome

Followed by Labour CND AGM

Labour CND is a specialist section of CND. If you’re a member of CND and of the Labour Party, you’re eligible and welcome to participate in our annual meeting. 

Need more info? Contact

Trump and Iran nuclear deal

The Iran nuclear agreement agreed some verifiable limits on Iranian nuclear development in return for lifting some economic sanctions. That’s exactly how deals between parties who don’t trust each other are negotiated. Hasn’t Trump’s withdrawal just proved Iran right to be suspicious of the US?
– Carol Turner, Vice Chair

Korea: any step forward is good

Julie Ward MEP is a peace activist and member of Labour CND Executive Committee. In a recent speech to the European Parliament, she argued:

Prospects of peace between the two Koreas are unexpectedly encouraging. In our support of the talks, we must focus on young people who are essential to any lasting peacebuilding processes. Young Koreans on both sides of the border have different perspectives from their elders and they should be given a voice in the peace talks.

Julie WARD – 8th Parliamentary Term

Women also have a crucial role to play when it comes to peacebuilding so involving them in the process is a way to ensure that peace is more sustainable and more inclusive.

I am aware that the process in the Korean peninsula is still fragile. However, I believe that any step forward is good, even a baby step, as it is one-step closer to peace and to nuclear de-escalation. In the current global context, it is hugely important for us to support disarmament campaigns.

It is particularly important that the European Parliament support all efforts at the United Nations level to make the use of nuclear weapons illegal for ALL states under any circumstances.

Continue reading “Korea: any step forward is good”

CND statement on Syria bombing

CND strongly condemn these air strikes on Syria, which are in defiance of international law. They will only increase the likelihood of this terrible conflict spilling over into the wider Middle East and potentially beyond that.

We also condemn Theresa May’s decision to bypass parliament which demonstrates a contempt for the necessary democratic process. She has also disregarded public opinion in launching these strikes; polls indicate that only 22% of the population support this bombing campaign.

CND works for the prevention and cessation of wars in which nuclear weapons may be used and there can be no clearer example of such a situation than that which we are currently facing. Diplomatic and political solutions must be sought. Nuclear escalation poses consequences too terrible to contemplate.

Labour CND chair awarded Ron Todd Peace Prize

Veteran nuclear disarmament campaigner and Labour CND Chair Walter Wolfgang (pictured below) was awarded this year’s Ron Todd Peace Prize in a ceremony at the Marx Memorial Library in March.

Todd was General Secretary of the Transport and General Workers Union, predecessor of Unite from 1985 until his retirement in 1992. He led Britain’s biggest union in the years when nuclear disarmament was at the heart of Labour’s annual conference debates. After his death in 2005, the Rod Todd Foundation was set up and has awarded annual prizes for outstanding achievement in areas close to the former General Secretary’s heart.