Keynote speech by Fabian Hamilton MP
Shadow Minister for Peace & Disarmament
Roundtable with Jeremy Corbyn
US academic & peace activist Phyllis Bennis
and Gemma Bolton Labour NEC (pers cap)
Nuclear Ban Communities initiative breakout with Emma Dent-Coad and Matt Fawcett
Green Futures breakout with Sam Mason and Rae Street
with a little music from Hugh Greenacre
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There’s plenty happening for our guests to mull over on Sunday:
*** COVID – the government has spent £280 bn on Covid protection measures so far, and there’s still a long way to go. Trident replacement is costing £205 bn. Britain’s nuclear weapons system does nothing to protect us from any of the threats identified by successive UK governments for over a decade. Cancelling the project would go a long way to releasing some urgently-needed extra funding.
*** BUDGET – the UK economy has experienced the largest fall in over 300 years and government borrowing is at its highest ever level outside wartime. Why are we clinging to a nuclear weapons system that costs the earth?
*** MILITARY SPENDING – according to the Chancellor, the UK economy’s shrunk by 10%, so why are the Tories increasing MoD spending by 10% a year for the lifetime of this parliament? Labour CND is lobbying the Labour leadership not to support this increase.
*** TRIDENT – a recent edition of BBC Newsnight revealed the Tory government is lobbying President Biden to renew Trump’s commitment to funding the nuclear warhead which it shares with the UK’s Trident system, following the new administration’ announcement that it’s considering cutting back its $19 billion military spending package
*** GREEN NEW DEAL – nuclear, the elephant in the room
*** TREATY ON THE PROHIBITION OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS – the TPNW passed into international law in January. The British government has said it will never sign up. Learn how the Nuclear Ban Communities initiative is chipping away at the impass