Reinstate Naomi Wimborne-Idrissi

Many of our supporters will be aware that Naomi Wimborne-Idrissi, an articulate anti-racist, a vocal supporter of Palestinian rights, and a founder member of Jewish Voice for Labour (JVL) was suspended and subsequently expelled from the Labour Party in December 2022. Her expulsion was based on an alleged rule breach which had taken place more than a year earlier.

Naomi was elected as a CLP rep on Labour’s National Executive Committee in August last year, one of the Grassroots 5 candidates which Labour CND, Campaign for Labour Party Democracy, and many other Labour Party organisations and campaigns supported. Her expulsion disenfranchises the thousands of members who voted for her and the many CLPs who nominated her.

Naomi’s campaign for election to the NEC began after the alleged breach had taken place, well before her autumn suspension. She was allowed to run for election, and she was issued with Labour Party credentials for annual conference. But when rolled up to Liverpool in September, her pass was revoked  and Naomi was barred from the conference centre.

This case is one of many in today’s Labour Party. Labour CND believes it isn’t fair and it isn’t right. We have signed a statement condemning her expulsion and calling for her reinstatement.  You can read it here and add your name if you wish.

Experience counts on the NEC

Take note of the wise words of Labour CND Vice Chair, Christine Shawcroft who is a former member of the Labour Party National Executive. Please suppport the six Grassroots Voice candidates in the ballot for CLP reps on the NEC. They stand on a platform of peace, internationalism, and nuclear disarmament.

Hear #GV6 candidates on peace and internationalism

Labour CND asks our supporters to vote for the Grassroots Voice candidates for constituency places on the Labour Party National Executive Committee. Why? Because these candidates are committed to nuclear disarmament as part of a peaceful, internationalist platform for Labour.

Hear what each of the #GV6 candidates have to say on international policy, click on the images below:

Gemma Bolton

Yasmine Dar

Ann Henderson

Nadia Jama

Laura Pidcock

Mish Rahman